Seoul City Hosts ‘Job Matching Day’ to Support Tailored Employment for Seniors

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By Global Team

Seoul City is hosting a ‘Job Matching Day’ to offer tailored employment opportunities to senior job seekers and connect companies with suitable talent. This event, conducted by the Seoul Senior Job Support Center, will be held 12 times this year (7 preliminary selections and 5 regional matches).

The Seoul Senior Job Support Center, operated by the Seoul 50 Plus Foundation, is responsible for career planning, vocational training, and support for employment and entrepreneurship for the middle-aged. Since its opening in January, 1,467 job seekers have registered in the ‘Senior Talent Bank’ within 70 days, indicating high interest.

The ‘Senior Talent Bank’ is a customized employment system that analyzes career and desired jobs to connect individuals with the most suitable positions. The current average age of registered job seekers is 65.7 years, and over 60% possess professional experience in management, administration, business management, education, and finance sectors.

Job Matching Day is divided into ▲Preliminary Selection and ▲Regional methods. The Preliminary Selection Matching Days involve professional consultants conducting prior consultations to select suitable candidates for interviews and are held seven times a year. The second event of the year will be held on March 28.

The Regional Matching Days are conducted by dividing Seoul into five regions (East, West, South, North, Central). Collaborating with 50 Plus Centers and comprehensive welfare centers for the elderly, it links region-based customized jobs and is held five times a year. The first event will take place on March 26 at the Seoul 50 Plus Southern Campus, intending to recruit 100 senior job seekers through 12 participating companies.

Job seekers can apply through the Seoul Senior Job Support Center’s website and can attend interviews by bringing their resumes on the event day. Even if not matched, they will receive continuous job information and additional employment opportunities.

Hong Hyun-hee, Head of the Seoul Senior Job Support Center, stated, “Job Matching Day is a practical employment support platform that directly connects job seekers and companies,” adding, “We will continue to actively discover senior-friendly jobs and strengthen sustainable employment support.”

Seoul Job Matching Day poster (provided by Seoul City)
Seoul Job Matching Day poster (provided by Seoul City)

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