ENVIRONMENT Strengthened Government-Industry Cooperation to Promote Low-Carbon Livestock Products 13/03/2025
ENVIRONMENT The acorns of the ‘Jonggasi Oak’ tree with Proven Skin Benefits, Promising Everyday Applications 13/03/2025
ENVIRONMENT Han River Water Quality Improves for Three Consecutive Years, Becoming a Pristine Waterway 13/03/2025
ENVIRONMENT The Korea Forest Service will implement a public contest to improve the system in the field of mountain management… by April 9th 11/03/2025
ENVIRONMENT National Park Forest Weddings Expanded to All Citizens…Support for Eco-Friendly Nature Weddings and Photography 08/03/2025
ENVIRONMENT World Environment Day, International Cooperation Intensifies to End Plastic Pollution 04/03/2025
ENVIRONMENT Vice Minister of Environment Inspects Boryeong Dam Drought Response Site, Discusses Water Supply Measures 27/02/2025
ENVIRONMENT Launch of the 2nd Carbon Neutral Green Growth Committee – Enhancing Expertise and Representation 24/02/2025
ENVIRONMENT Recycled content in bottled water and beverage PET bottles to become mandatory – Ministry of Environment expands requirement 20/02/2025